Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Gayus Tambunan? Siapa yang sekarang ini belum mengenal yang namanya Gayus Tambunan?Berterima kasihlah pada Gayus. Karena berkat jasanyalah kasus Century jadi temaram. Siapa yang peduli dengan kasus 6,7 trilyun yang tak jelas kemana itu. Setidaknya kini media massa ramai-ramai berdendang lagu GAYUS.Lupakan huru hara di panggung paripurna DPR bulan lalu. Lupakan pula rekomendasi yang meminta
Gayus Tambunan,
Sri Mulyani
Monday, March 29, 2010
Amanah dalam bahasa Arab berarti memenuhi janji. Amanah diambil dari kata Al-amnu (rasa aman) lawan dari ketakutan. Amanah berarti merasa aman dari pengkhianatan.Sedangkan secara istilah: Segala sesuatu yang harus dijaga dan ditunaikan, baik itu hak-hak Allah seperti ibadah dan menjauhi maksiat. Maupun hak-hak sesama manusia, seperti menjaga rahasia dan menepati janji.Ketika seseorang dilahirkan
The Wow of Steve
By Tony Mangia
Last call is being bellowed at that basketball dance club called the Red Storm and the pickings are getting slim. Coaches who seemed available just two drinks ago are sticking by their comely, significant others--Billy Donovan with Florida and Paul Hewitt leaving with his sweetheart Georgia Tech. Now, that all the hotties are gone, St. John's athletic director Chris Monasch will have to concentrate on buying shots for the "they're not so bads" and the "butterfaces." He could be left standing by himself in the parking lot.
St. John's went through this whole "don't go home alone" waltz when they fired the disgraced Mike Jarvis and let Hewitt slip through their fingers seven years ago. Norm Roberts was the consolation prize. Roberts cleaned house but, in six years, didn't exactly lead the program to it's high expectations. Why hasn't the university learned from it's past mistakes? Hewitt declined coming to Queens because his family likes it in Georgia and Donovan refused their offer because he wasn't really even available. Shouldn't Monasch and his experts pre-screen applicants before sending out high and mighty smoke signals. Their speed dating style of hiring makes the university seem almost as desperate than it actually is. Pretty paramours sense this despair in a person and it's not attractive.
What is attractive is cash. St. John's boosters have dangled a three million dollar carrot at Donovan; so the money is there for the right person. The transition should be pretty easy too. The Red Storm bring back five starters from this season's NIT team and it gets to play in Madison Square Garden--even though visiting fans seem to outnumber Johnnie loyalists at every game. Even the Garden is getting a little impatient with St. John's box office appeal.
The list of coaching suspects has dwindled through attrition and lack of star power. Fran McCaffrey has signed with Iowa and Seth Greenberg has signed a new pact with Viginia Tech. Boston College's Al Skinner's name keeps popping up but whose name hasn't. There's Rhode Island's Jim Baron and Harvard's Tommy Ammaker as well as all the usual coaching suspects. Skinner is a similar version of Roberts, only with a couple of modest trips to the NCAAs, but he is from the Big East and doesn't stand out like a Donovan or even Hewitt. But now comes the emergence of back burner Steve Lavin into the mix. Monasch has been meeting with Lavin and local New York papers have reported that Lavin has expressed interest in the job. Who knew?
Lavin is currently on ESPN as a basketball analyst. He would bring big name wattage to the St. John's program. Oh yeah, in case you forgot, he coached at UCLA--the Mecca of college hoops. I think the guy can withstand the bright lights of the New York Media. Wooden, Alcindor and Walton are just a few of the names he followed. In seven years, Lavin led the Bruins to six 20-plus wins, six NCAA Tournaments and five Sweet 16s. He runs a clean program and put players like Baron Davis and many others into the NBA. That's a pretty impressive resume.
The two major knocks against Lavin are that he has been out of the game as coach since 2003 and, secondly, he has no New York ties. Two important considerations although the first complaint is bogus because Lavin has his hands on the college game as an ESPN analyst and he is young enough (46) for the game to not pass him by. The second hurdle is over-analyzed. The name of the game is recruiting and nothing says "come to St. John's" like having a coach boasting a successful career at Pauley Pavilion. Lavin did have some local ties--he talked with a recruits Lamar Odom and Andre Barrett while he coached--and there is talk he could persuade old friend Barry Rohrssen from his coaching perch at Manhattan. Rohrssen, the recruiter who basically ran a direct subway line of blue-chippers to Pitt, would be a Red Storm dream. Think about how many great city players he lured to Pittsburgh at poor Norm Roberts expense. Think about all those New York and New Jersey kids coming to the Jamaica campus and actually committing.
A few other determining factors surround Lavin. Does he fit the St. John's profile? What, the losing that has become synonymous with Alumni Hall? Any one who is hired will always be compared to the basically incomparable Louie Carnesseca. Get over it! Tight shorts, traveling calls and twenty five years have gone the wayside. Alumni are tired of hearing about the "glory days." DePaul, another big-time program on the ropes, has been sending flowers and chocolate to Lavin but, I'm sure, the white lights of Broadway are probably the only beacons that can compare with the premiere kliegs of Hollywood. Lavin's slicked-back hair, starched shirts and L.A. smile will be as welcome as Louie's garish sweaters were back in the '80's.
Nice to see Dwight "Doc" Gooden keeping on the straight and narrow. Has a player ever tumbled so low? Maybe Darryl Strawberry. Last week the ex-Met and ex-Yankee was snagged in New Jersey for a DUI--driving under the influence of drugs. This time he crashed with his kid in the car. Maybe he was hanging out with Texas Ranger coach Ron Washington who tested positive for cocaine in a random drug test. It was "my first time," explained the 57 year-old coach. He should have claimed, "a coked up girl in a nightclub kissed me" excuse European tennis players seem to get away with. There is no excuse for Gooden. This time 'Doc' will probably do time in the pen--and I don't mean the bullpen.
The New York Jets football team has signed up for 'Hard Knocks' on HBO. Just what the team needs--more controversy. If I was HBO, I would break down their weekly sports program into mini-reality shows. First, you have the "The Biggest Loser" starring the stomach stapled coach Rex Ryan. Every week fans can watch him shrink in size and blow up at his press conferences. Next you could do a version of 'The Apprentice' starring Mark Sanchez. Let's see if his rookie year was an illusion or if he'll be "fired." Braylon Edwards would be perfect for 'Dancing with the Stars.' I mean, he's a receiver, right? Finally, you could have Antonio Cromartie, the 'Octodad', in "Wife Swap." Imagine the hijinks of a single father scrounging up cash for child support payments and play dates for his nine kids by eight different moms? That's enough for a paternity suit trial every Sunday night.
Last call is being bellowed at that basketball dance club called the Red Storm and the pickings are getting slim. Coaches who seemed available just two drinks ago are sticking by their comely, significant others--Billy Donovan with Florida and Paul Hewitt leaving with his sweetheart Georgia Tech. Now, that all the hotties are gone, St. John's athletic director Chris Monasch will have to concentrate on buying shots for the "they're not so bads" and the "butterfaces." He could be left standing by himself in the parking lot.
St. John's went through this whole "don't go home alone" waltz when they fired the disgraced Mike Jarvis and let Hewitt slip through their fingers seven years ago. Norm Roberts was the consolation prize. Roberts cleaned house but, in six years, didn't exactly lead the program to it's high expectations. Why hasn't the university learned from it's past mistakes? Hewitt declined coming to Queens because his family likes it in Georgia and Donovan refused their offer because he wasn't really even available. Shouldn't Monasch and his experts pre-screen applicants before sending out high and mighty smoke signals. Their speed dating style of hiring makes the university seem almost as desperate than it actually is. Pretty paramours sense this despair in a person and it's not attractive.
What is attractive is cash. St. John's boosters have dangled a three million dollar carrot at Donovan; so the money is there for the right person. The transition should be pretty easy too. The Red Storm bring back five starters from this season's NIT team and it gets to play in Madison Square Garden--even though visiting fans seem to outnumber Johnnie loyalists at every game. Even the Garden is getting a little impatient with St. John's box office appeal.
The list of coaching suspects has dwindled through attrition and lack of star power. Fran McCaffrey has signed with Iowa and Seth Greenberg has signed a new pact with Viginia Tech. Boston College's Al Skinner's name keeps popping up but whose name hasn't. There's Rhode Island's Jim Baron and Harvard's Tommy Ammaker as well as all the usual coaching suspects. Skinner is a similar version of Roberts, only with a couple of modest trips to the NCAAs, but he is from the Big East and doesn't stand out like a Donovan or even Hewitt. But now comes the emergence of back burner Steve Lavin into the mix. Monasch has been meeting with Lavin and local New York papers have reported that Lavin has expressed interest in the job. Who knew?
Lavin is currently on ESPN as a basketball analyst. He would bring big name wattage to the St. John's program. Oh yeah, in case you forgot, he coached at UCLA--the Mecca of college hoops. I think the guy can withstand the bright lights of the New York Media. Wooden, Alcindor and Walton are just a few of the names he followed. In seven years, Lavin led the Bruins to six 20-plus wins, six NCAA Tournaments and five Sweet 16s. He runs a clean program and put players like Baron Davis and many others into the NBA. That's a pretty impressive resume.
The two major knocks against Lavin are that he has been out of the game as coach since 2003 and, secondly, he has no New York ties. Two important considerations although the first complaint is bogus because Lavin has his hands on the college game as an ESPN analyst and he is young enough (46) for the game to not pass him by. The second hurdle is over-analyzed. The name of the game is recruiting and nothing says "come to St. John's" like having a coach boasting a successful career at Pauley Pavilion. Lavin did have some local ties--he talked with a recruits Lamar Odom and Andre Barrett while he coached--and there is talk he could persuade old friend Barry Rohrssen from his coaching perch at Manhattan. Rohrssen, the recruiter who basically ran a direct subway line of blue-chippers to Pitt, would be a Red Storm dream. Think about how many great city players he lured to Pittsburgh at poor Norm Roberts expense. Think about all those New York and New Jersey kids coming to the Jamaica campus and actually committing.
A few other determining factors surround Lavin. Does he fit the St. John's profile? What, the losing that has become synonymous with Alumni Hall? Any one who is hired will always be compared to the basically incomparable Louie Carnesseca. Get over it! Tight shorts, traveling calls and twenty five years have gone the wayside. Alumni are tired of hearing about the "glory days." DePaul, another big-time program on the ropes, has been sending flowers and chocolate to Lavin but, I'm sure, the white lights of Broadway are probably the only beacons that can compare with the premiere kliegs of Hollywood. Lavin's slicked-back hair, starched shirts and L.A. smile will be as welcome as Louie's garish sweaters were back in the '80's.
Nice to see Dwight "Doc" Gooden keeping on the straight and narrow. Has a player ever tumbled so low? Maybe Darryl Strawberry. Last week the ex-Met and ex-Yankee was snagged in New Jersey for a DUI--driving under the influence of drugs. This time he crashed with his kid in the car. Maybe he was hanging out with Texas Ranger coach Ron Washington who tested positive for cocaine in a random drug test. It was "my first time," explained the 57 year-old coach. He should have claimed, "a coked up girl in a nightclub kissed me" excuse European tennis players seem to get away with. There is no excuse for Gooden. This time 'Doc' will probably do time in the pen--and I don't mean the bullpen.
The New York Jets football team has signed up for 'Hard Knocks' on HBO. Just what the team needs--more controversy. If I was HBO, I would break down their weekly sports program into mini-reality shows. First, you have the "The Biggest Loser" starring the stomach stapled coach Rex Ryan. Every week fans can watch him shrink in size and blow up at his press conferences. Next you could do a version of 'The Apprentice' starring Mark Sanchez. Let's see if his rookie year was an illusion or if he'll be "fired." Braylon Edwards would be perfect for 'Dancing with the Stars.' I mean, he's a receiver, right? Finally, you could have Antonio Cromartie, the 'Octodad', in "Wife Swap." Imagine the hijinks of a single father scrounging up cash for child support payments and play dates for his nine kids by eight different moms? That's enough for a paternity suit trial every Sunday night.
Wakakakakaka........Berhubung karena dalam beberapa hari kedepan, saya harus menyelesaikan sebuah tugas penting yang menyangkut masa depan. Maka dengan segala hormat dan penuh kerendahan hati saya mohon maaf. Olehnya itu saya tidak akan online dan berkunjung ke Rumah sahabat dalam beberapa hari.Kalaupun di blog ini muncul postingan baru, ....... semuanya saya sudah titip pada si PUTRI MALU.Saya
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat membuat hidup menjadi lebih mudah. Namun penggunaan teknologi tanpa kontrol, juga bisa memunculkan masalah tersendiri. Resiko yang cukup rentan dihadapi anak-anak muda, yang kehidupannya tidak bisa lepas dari teknologi, adalah internet, games, dan ponsel.Dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh MyVoucherCodes, ditemukan fakta bahwa 1 dari 5 wanita Inggris tega
Friday, March 26, 2010
Perhelatan akbar yang dihadiri taburan bintang televisi Indonesia merupakan ajang paling bergengsi untuk menunjukkan kapasitas dan kredibilitas dari segenap insan pertelevisian nasional telah digelar semalam.Olga Syahputra dinobatkan menjadi Presenter Musik/Variety Show dan Pelawak terfavorit pilihan pemirsa di ajang Panasonic Gobel Awards 2010, Jumat (26/3/2010) malam. Atas suksesnya tersebut,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ajang apresiasi bergengsi bagi insan pertelevisian di Indonesia, Panasonic Gobel Awards, akan kembali digelar Malam ini Jumat, tanggal 26 Maret 2010 dengan tema ‘Indonesia Unite’, sebuah tema yang sejalan dengan semangat bangsa Indonesia sebagai bangsa besar dalam menghadapi tantangan di masa depan.Malam penganugrahan setahun sekali yang telah memasuki usia yang ke-13 ini akan dilaksanakan di
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
iGroup, Jejaring Sosial Baru Milik Apple Inc.
Magnet jejaring sosial ternyata mampu menarik sejumlah perusahaan teknologi komunikasi untuk membuat browser serupa. Apple misalnya diinformasi mulai ekspansi ke jejaring sosial dengan meluncurkan aplikasi jejaring sosial mobile.Apple, Inc. (sebelumnya bernama Apple Computer, Inc.) adalah sebuah perusahaan Silicon Valley berbasis di Cupertino, California, yang bergerak dalam bidang teknologi
Penders resigns at Houston
I kinda feel like I owe an apology to ex-University of Houston basketball coach Tom Penders.See,I blasted Penders for not doing a good enough job at Houston and saying he deserved to be on the hot seat. Mainly regarding recruiting and lack of NCAA tournament appearances.This was the year Penders finally got the Cougars back to the tournament,the first time since 1992.I thought this would be the kick start the program would finally get after years of being irrelevant.To my surprise,Penders stepped down as head coach.Maybe he saw that the end was near and decided it was best for him to go instead of having a messy departure,like the one he had at Texas.You have to remember,he was not hired by current athletic director Mack Rhoades,and unless you're winning big caoches don't usually stay long when a new regime comes in.Another reason could've been the interview with a New York Times reporter,which Penders stated that Houston had more problems that meet the eye.Like water from the bathroom that leaks onto the court.The facilities not being up to date.Penders having to buy some $70,000 worth of up to date tv and video equipment to scout opponents.Now I can see why they couldn't tap into the rich talent base around the state when it came to recruiting.
There are rumors that Rhoades may hire former Kentucky,Texas A&M,and UTEP coach,Billy Gillispie,who was hired at UTEP when Rhoades was associate athletic director there.That may be a good hire,but knowing what I know now,Houston basketball is more of a challenge than I thought it was.Penders says he's not done coaching and may very well land elsewhere before next season.Good luck to him and his future endeavors.Maybe the challenge he takes on will deal more with on the court issues(talent) than off court (facilities,boosters,alums who don't care).
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Ditengah kesibukan sebagai Panitia Ujian Nasional, di hari ketiga ini saya menyempatkan diri untuk jalan2 ke beberapa blog sahabat yang sudah lama tidak saya kunjungi.Alhamdulillah,… kembali saya mendapat sebuah kehormatan untuk kembali membuka diri dengan mengerjakan sebuah Tag dari sahabat Ateh75 dan Adik Munir, yang sebenarnya Tag ini harus dikerjakan dengan bahasa melayu sesuai dengan asal
Monday, March 22, 2010
Kota Jakarta memang selalu menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para penghuninya. Bahkan para warga yang diluar Jakarta, menganggap kota yang dijuluki kota megapolitan tersebut sebagai tempat meraih sejuta impian. Maka menjadi hal wajar jika arus urbanisasi selalu meningkat setiap tahunnya.kota Jakarta yang penuh warna, mulai dari sisi gemerlap hingga sisi gelap dan kemuraman. Demikianlah inti
The Big Least, Big Red and little Pingping
By Tony Mangia
Nicest weather in five months and I'm stuck in bed all weekend with a chest cold. At least I had the NCAA brackets to tide me over and what a wild ride it was! I'm still holding on to seven teams in the Sweet Sixteen--amazingly I'm in a better position than most of my friends!
The Northern Iowa/Kansas regional was a classic Davis and Goliath match-up although the Iowans almost choked at the end. Forty percent of the ESPN Tournament Challenge had Kansas in the finals, so I guess there was a lot of hair pulling in the office pools. Speaking of Goliath; didn't a few of those Northern Iowa players resemble the 40 year-old men who played for the Soviet bloc Olympic teams of the seventies? It looked like half of them were balding and covered with facial and body hair that no teenager I ever knew had. Maybe it's that Midwestern, corn-fed farm-boy thing. Rural life makes a young man grow up strong, fast and hirsute. The Panthers really are a good team--"big, strong like yak," as Sergei would probably say. And some those Kansas players; where'd they get all the money for those $200 custom tattoos? One kid was covered with about 10 grand worth of body art. I guess those summer landscaping jobs pay well. Too bad the Jayhawks players didn't ink instructions on how to block out and hit three pointers on their forearms--it would have made the team booster's money well spent.
I'll make my comments on the mighty Big East Conference's NCAA Tournament brief: even shorter than Tiger Woods' Thanksgiving night explanations. Four teams went down in the first round--three of them to way-lower seeds! Funny how some people were griping that two or three more teams from that conference should have gotten in. Some pundits claim it's because the teams beat the hell out each other during the season and, by the 12th round (tournament time), they are out of steam. What, the other conferences play 'Dancing with the Stars?" I think they should let in more Ivy League schools anyway--less body art and furry guys.
The media--especially CBS's exasperated announcers-- make a big fuss about the 'Cinderella' teams. Everyone loves the underdog and upset teams like Northern Iowa, St. Mary's, and the Big Red of Cornell are about as rare as tourists in Times Square after the first round but, this year, with many of the top seeds already punched out, the little guys stand a chance of getting into the Final Four. Parity and neutral playing sites play big factors in affording mid-major conference teams their shots at glory and at least make the emo-end-of-night video recaps on CBS more heartwarming.
Speaking of the little guys, I was sorry to hear about the passing of He Pingping last week at the ripe age of 21. At 29 inches, the Chinese He was named the world's shortest man according to the Guinness Book of World Records--even though Khagendra Thapa Magar, 18, of Nepal has whined that at 20 inches, he is the rightful title owner. That's what set Pingping apart. He was who He was. Who could forget the little man hustling gawkers for cigarettes in exchange for a photo of himself or He checking out the ladies from the knees up.
PETA, the animal rights group, is trying to clip the wings on Mike Tyson's upcoming pigeon-racing show on Animal Planet. PETA claims there are wages placed on the races and it violates New York's anti-gambling laws. The group has sent a letter to the Brooklyn DA in protest and claims it "disturbs the birds." I bet Tyson treats his rats-with-wings better than he once did a Robin--Robin Givens, that is. PETA should petition that Aqueduct Racetrack gambling quagmire, also known as racino, instead. Wonder if any of the PETA people have the guts to splash red paint on the ex-heavyweight champ?
Nicest weather in five months and I'm stuck in bed all weekend with a chest cold. At least I had the NCAA brackets to tide me over and what a wild ride it was! I'm still holding on to seven teams in the Sweet Sixteen--amazingly I'm in a better position than most of my friends!
The Northern Iowa/Kansas regional was a classic Davis and Goliath match-up although the Iowans almost choked at the end. Forty percent of the ESPN Tournament Challenge had Kansas in the finals, so I guess there was a lot of hair pulling in the office pools. Speaking of Goliath; didn't a few of those Northern Iowa players resemble the 40 year-old men who played for the Soviet bloc Olympic teams of the seventies? It looked like half of them were balding and covered with facial and body hair that no teenager I ever knew had. Maybe it's that Midwestern, corn-fed farm-boy thing. Rural life makes a young man grow up strong, fast and hirsute. The Panthers really are a good team--"big, strong like yak," as Sergei would probably say. And some those Kansas players; where'd they get all the money for those $200 custom tattoos? One kid was covered with about 10 grand worth of body art. I guess those summer landscaping jobs pay well. Too bad the Jayhawks players didn't ink instructions on how to block out and hit three pointers on their forearms--it would have made the team booster's money well spent.
I'll make my comments on the mighty Big East Conference's NCAA Tournament brief: even shorter than Tiger Woods' Thanksgiving night explanations. Four teams went down in the first round--three of them to way-lower seeds! Funny how some people were griping that two or three more teams from that conference should have gotten in. Some pundits claim it's because the teams beat the hell out each other during the season and, by the 12th round (tournament time), they are out of steam. What, the other conferences play 'Dancing with the Stars?" I think they should let in more Ivy League schools anyway--less body art and furry guys.
The media--especially CBS's exasperated announcers-- make a big fuss about the 'Cinderella' teams. Everyone loves the underdog and upset teams like Northern Iowa, St. Mary's, and the Big Red of Cornell are about as rare as tourists in Times Square after the first round but, this year, with many of the top seeds already punched out, the little guys stand a chance of getting into the Final Four. Parity and neutral playing sites play big factors in affording mid-major conference teams their shots at glory and at least make the emo-end-of-night video recaps on CBS more heartwarming.
Speaking of the little guys, I was sorry to hear about the passing of He Pingping last week at the ripe age of 21. At 29 inches, the Chinese He was named the world's shortest man according to the Guinness Book of World Records--even though Khagendra Thapa Magar, 18, of Nepal has whined that at 20 inches, he is the rightful title owner. That's what set Pingping apart. He was who He was. Who could forget the little man hustling gawkers for cigarettes in exchange for a photo of himself or He checking out the ladies from the knees up.
PETA, the animal rights group, is trying to clip the wings on Mike Tyson's upcoming pigeon-racing show on Animal Planet. PETA claims there are wages placed on the races and it violates New York's anti-gambling laws. The group has sent a letter to the Brooklyn DA in protest and claims it "disturbs the birds." I bet Tyson treats his rats-with-wings better than he once did a Robin--Robin Givens, that is. PETA should petition that Aqueduct Racetrack gambling quagmire, also known as racino, instead. Wonder if any of the PETA people have the guts to splash red paint on the ex-heavyweight champ?
Sekarang lagi musim, di mana-mana banyak dijumpai orang bermain hulahoop. Anak kecil, remaja, dewasa, berputar-putar bermain hulahoop. Permainan ini tiba-tiba digandrungi hingga ke pelosok negeri sebab cukup membawa kegembiraan – baik yang bermain maupun menontonnya.Hulahoop sebetulnya tergolong permainan kuno yang telah dikenal di beberapa belahan dunia ketika itu. Beberapa catatan dari hasil
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Ketika keceriaan memantul dimatakuLalu pengunungan berubah menjadi semburat jinggaDari seberang warnamu yang menuju gelapDisana adalah hatikuTerbaring bersama sukma yang lelahSejenak kuterjatuh tak berdayaPandangan mataku membayang hitam berbinarKetika jiwaku merantau menembus cakrawalaAku mengharu damai, melihat sosok nurani yang dekilTak kuasa akupun kembali walau kelelahanMeraba-raba hati yang
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Ketidakpastian akan misteri kehidupan setelah mati, menciptakan kekhawatiran akan nasib si mati di alam baka. Di dataran tinggi Tana Toraja, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, upaya untuk menguak misteri itu telah menciptakan sebuah prosesi religius yang begitu rumit, kompleks, dan memakan banyak tenaga serta biaya. Masyarakat Toraja menyebutnya dengan Upacara Rambu Solok.Ritual itu dikenal sebagai
Friday, March 19, 2010
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