We produce a few normal Ball Pythons from various crossings. Ideally suited for pets, these captive bred specimens are vastly better than the commonly seen 'ranched' imports available in pet stores. These will feed and thrive!

black pastel ball python

black pastel ball pythonHomozygous for Hypomelanism, a recessive trait. Completely lacking any true black pigment in the epidermal layers, with traces remaining in some of the deeper layers. Shed skins lack all pigmentation. This gives the snake a pale 'ghostly' coloration. A 'must have' for enhancing other morphs by lightening the colors to create 'Honeybees', 'Caramel Glows', etc. Ours are proven compatible with common bloodlines, such as 'Orange', 'Butterscotch', 'Yellow', etc

black pastel ball python

black pastel ball python

Black pastel Ball pythonHomozygous for Amelanism, a recessive trait. The first of the designer Ball Pythons and the snake that started it all! So unusual they don't even look real until they move. Brilliant yellow blotches on white, although some strains may fade as adults. We are focusing on producing specimens with clean solid yellow markings.

Black pastel Ball python
Black pastel Ball python

Black pastel Ball python

Black pastel Ball python DANGEROUSHeterozygous for Spider, a dominant trait. Here we have what is commonly termed a dominant mutation, in which the heterozygous form is visibly different than normal Ball Pythons. To our knowledge, no specimens homozygous for this trait exist. In fact, we've received reports of Spider to Spider breedings resulting in a percentage of egg failures - which leads us to believe this trait to be lethal in the homozygous state. A large number of truly spectacular designer morphs have been created using this mutation, with some of the most popular being Bumblebee Spider, Honeybee Spider, Stingerbee Spider, Lesser Bee Spider and the Queenbee Spider.

Black pastel Ball python danger

Black pastel Ball python

Black pastel Ball python images

Black pastel Ball python pics

Black pastel Ball python photos
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