Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ketika mulut berteriak reformasi,seperti sepasang suami-istri mandulyang tiba-tiba mendapat anak.Ketika mulut menggunjing reformasi,seperti pelamun yang tiba-tibakejatuhan emas permata dari langit.Ketika mulut menyebut reformasi,seperti penjudi yang tiba-tibamendapatkan nomor buntut jituKetika mulut berzikir reformasi,seperti Sufi yang tiba-tibamendapatkan pencerahan makrifat.Ketika mulut ramai
Kisah Permaisuri Yang Selalu Bersedih
Pada jaman dahulu, ada seorang raja yang berkuasa di Cina. Raja ini memiliki semua yang dia inginkan. Dia memiliki harta, istana yang indah, kuda-kuda terbaik, prajurit-prajurit paling tangguh dan rakyat yang mencintainya. Tapi ada satu hal. Dia tidak memiliki isteri. Maka suatu hari dia mengumpulkan tujuh prajurit kepercayaannya, mengendarai kuda terkuat, dan berangkat mencari seorang isteri. Mereka pergi berbulan-bulan dan telah singgah di banyak istana dan kota, dan bertemu banyak putri-putri dan wanita-wanita cantik jelita, tapi tak ada satu pun yang membuat sang raja jatuh hati.
Setelah perjalanan panjang mereka tiba di sebuah danau, dan sang raja memutuskan untuk beristirahat disana dan membangun kemah untuk bermalam. Saat dia sedang menyantap makan malam dia mendengar suara samar yang berasal dari arah danau. Dia bangkit dan berjalan mendekati air. Disana dia melihat sebuah perahu yang menepi, dan diatas perahu itu ada sosok seorang perempuan. Dengan cahaya bulan dia melihat wajah wanita itu dan dia segera mengetahui bahwa dia lah wanita yang dia cari.
Dia memanggil prajurit-prajuritnya, dan mereka menyeberangi danau dan mendorong perahu itu ke tepian. Sang raja membantu wanita itu melangkah ke daratan dan memperkenalkan dirinya. Dia mengundang wanita itu sebagai tamu makan malamnya. Sang raja mengutarakan maksud perjalanannya, dan bertanya apakah dia mau ikut ke istana dan menjadi isterinya. Wanita malang itu berkata dengan nada menolak, "Kau ingin menikahiku, meskipun aku ini orang yang benar-benar asing bagimu?"
Raja bertahan. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak pernah melihat wanita seperti dia dan dia bisa membuat sang raja sangat bangga jika dia bersedia menjadi isterinya. Dia menjanjikan kemewahan dan kenyamanan, pelayanan yang memerhatikan setiap kebutuhannya, dan kesetiaan tanpa akhir, jika dia bersedia menjadi isteri sang raja. Wanita itu menunduk, dan berkata, "Ya, rajaku, kalau begitu aku akan senang menerima lamaranmu untuk menikah."
Dalam perjalanan kembali ke istana, sang raja tak hentinya mengobrol dengan calon pengantinnya, tapi sang wanita justru tidak bicara banyak. Dia mengatakan bahwa namanya Jin-a, dan bahwa dia sudah berjalan jauh, tapi tidak mengatakan darimana dan mengapa. Sang raja memerhatikan bahwa Jin-a tidak pernah tersenyum, tapi dia tidak begitu peduli, berpikir bahwa perjalanan panjang mungkin membuatnya kelelahan. Dia yakin begitu mereka sampai di istana dan menikah, mood-nya akan kembali. Pernikahannya berlangsung beberapa hari setelah mereka tiba di istana, dan negara itu merayakannya selama tiga hari.
Permaisuri baru itu menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, dan seluruh istana kagum oleh tingkah laku dan keanggunannya. Tapi tetap Jin-a tidak kunjung tersenyum. Sang raja menanyakan apa masalahnya, tapi dia menjawab bahwa semuanya baik-baik saja dan dia sangat bahagia.
Sang raja tentu saja mencoba segalanya untuk membuat permaisurinya tersenyum: dia mendatangkan pelawak dari jauh, penghibur jalanan, tapi sang permaisuri tak kunjung tersenyum. Lalu suatu hari dia punya ide yang dia yakin akan berhasil.
Dia menyuruh semua anggota kerajaan untuk berkumpul sore itu di markas rahasia, dan memberitahukannya bahwa musuh menyerang dan sudah tiba di gerbang!
Malam itu setelah makan malam sang raja dan permaisurinya sedang berada di kamar. Permaisuri sedang menyisir rambutnya dan raja berlatih kaligrafi, ketika tiba-tiba pintu terbuka dan seorang pengawal muncul. "Yang Mulia," dia berteriak, "ada musuh asing di gerbang, bersiap menembakkan meriam!" Sang raja melompat, tinta dan kuas di tangannya berceceran di lantai. Dia mengangkat tangannya keatas, "Dimana prajurit-prajuritku," teriaknya, "Dimana para penjaga?" Melihat ekspresi sang raja, sang permaisuri tiba-tiba tergelak. Dia menutup mulutnya dengan kedua tangan, sang raja sangat gembira. Dia melompat-lompat dan mengguncang-guncangkan tangan pengawalnya. "Berhasil, berhasil! Dia tertawa! Akhirnya dia tertawa!" Akhirnya dia pun mengakui bahwa itu semua trik agar permaisurinya tertawa. Mendengar pengakuan itu, sang permaisuri pun tersenyum.
Hari berikutnya, sang permaisuri kembali ke sikapnya semula. Raja sekali lagi mencoba semua trik yang dia ketahui untuk membuat permaisuri tersenyum lagi tapi tidak ada yang berhasil. Beberapa hari berlalu, dan sang raja sendiri menjadi sedih, karena beranggapan bahwa mungkin ada sesuatu di masa lalu isterinya yang begitu menyedihkan sehingga sulit untuk dilupakan. Dia mengamati isterinya membaca buku puisi. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara bantingan keras, dan pintu ruangan itu terbuka, seorang pengawal muncul, berteriak, "Yang mulia, ada tentara musuh di pintu gerbang! Mereka menembaki kita dengan meriam!"
Sang raja menggeleng dan berjalan kearah si pengawal, dan berkata, "Aku tahu kau bermaksud baik, tapi cara itu sudah tidak berhasil." Sang pengawal melanjutkan, "Tidak, Yang Mulia, kali ini sungguhan!" Ternyata benar, sang raja keluar dan mendengar suara meriam menghancurkan dinding-dinding istananya; dia memanggil penjaga, tapi sudah terlambat.
Prajurit musuh sudah masuk ke istana, membunuh semua orang yang menghadang. Enam orang dari mereka berlari di koridor dan membunuh sang raja serta pengawal setianya. Dia membiarkan Jin-a hidup, dan pemimpin perang yang menang itu pun menjadikan dirinya raja baru negara itu dan mengakhiri pertempuran, mempersunting Jin-a sebagai permaisurinya.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Lewand Gets A Costly Punishment
NFL commish Roger Goodell doesn't discriminate when he hands down his brand of justice. Detroit Lions team president Tom Lewand found that out. He was made an example of when he fined Lewand $100,000 and suspended him for 30 days. No team activities until game three. Do not pass go and do not collect $200 while your handing out punishments Big Raj.
Lewand was caught drinking and driving, but pleaded to a lesser charge. He alledgedly was the designated driver. A loaded designated driver, the kind of driver I want taking me home. He went through the legal system and was fined $1000.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Grand Final Indonesian Idol 2010
Indonesian Idol adalah suatu ajang pencarian bakat yang diadopsi dari Pop Idol (Inggris) dengan sponsor dari FremantleMedia yang bekerjasama dengan RCTI. Ajang ini merupakan pencarian idola di bidang tarik suara. Indonesian Idol telah menjadi acara realitas terbesar di Indonesia. Setelah kemunculan Indonesian Idol, banyak acara realitas lain yang ditayangkan. Indonesian Idol memenangkan Panasonic
Citra Idol,
Grand Final,
Igo Idol,
Indonesian Idol,
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Vodka: Ultah Daniel Radcliffe ke-21 di St Petersburg
Selama 10 tahun Harry Potter mendominasi pekerjaannya dan kehidupan sosialnya. Sekarang saat memfilmkan instalmen terakhir dari franchise laris itu berakhir, tampaknya Daniel Radcliffe benar-benar menikmati kebebasannya.
Sang aktor, yang memiliki 'harga' £42 juta merayakan ultah ke-21 bersama dua orang teman di St Petersburg, Rusia.
Bicara tentang liburannya ke Rusia minggu belakangan ini, dia berkata, "Ini fantastis. Aku berada di St Petersburg untuk merayakan ulangtahunku, yang mungkin tempat yang paling indah, luarbiasa, dan menakjubkan yang pernah kukunjungi selama hidupku."
Isi iPod Presiden Obama
Walaupun dia belum punya iPhone, Presiden Obama memiliki "a great iPod," dia meyakinkan para pembawa acara "The View."
"Sebut lagu apa saja, saya punya," kata sang Presiden. "Saya punya lagu Jay Z. Saya punya Frank Sinatra. Saya punya Maria Callas..."
Tapi ada satu penyanyi remaja populer yang tak masuk dalam playlist Obama: "Saya tidak punya lagu Justin Bieber," ia mengaku.
Hey Floyd! $60 Mil Could Buy You a New Set!
By Tony Mangia
The dog days of summer are here. Pennant races in full swing. The X Games are on ESPN. A new season of Jersey Shore. No, not the show, I actually hang out down on the 15th Street Beach in Belmar. Just when I got over the drone of vuvuzellas, now comes "Wadda you lookin' at?" on the boardwalk and "Yo dude, you really got some air" on the television. All that said, what has really gets me riled is Floyd Mayweather Jr.
It has been a few days since Bob Arum announced the upcoming November 13 fight between his fighter, Manny Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito. A decent bout, but not the fight every boxing fan wanted and deserved. PacMan will be going for a record eighth world title in eight weight classes. Talk about the greatest pound for pound fighter in the world; Pacquiao just might someday win a title in every weight class.
Pacquiao (51-3, 38 KOs) will battle the shamed Margarito (38-6, 27 KOs) at 150 pounds for the vacant WBC light-middleweight belt at a still undisclosed location. Margarito may be unable to get a license in Las Vegas---because of last year's plaster of paris handwrap incident---so promoters are looking to a possible meeting in Monterrey, Mexico---Margarito's home turf.
Mayweather's camp has done nothing short of ducking Pacquiao. First, it was the drug testing clause then, the split of the purse, then time off. Now, like a bunch of schoolboys puffing out their chests on the playground---lots of finger-pointing and name calling---everyone involved is claiming its not their fault that the "fight of the century" will not happen this year---and probably never will appear in the annals of boxing.
HBO Sports President, Russ Greenburg said he got involved as a mediator between Golden Boy Promotions---which represent Mayweather---and Top Rank---which reps Pacquiao. Greenburgh cited the "unprecedented world-wide appeal" of a fight between Money and PacMan. The biggest Pay per View and payday in the history of boxing. Greenburg said he talked to both promoters at the beginning of May and couldn't get anyone to shake hands. Great...only thing is both war parties deny talking with HBO.
Golden Boy executive, Richard Schaefer said, "Floyd Mayweather is taking a vacation." He goes further by stressing, " Why would Floyd start talking about a future fight just days after fighting Shane Mosley?" Arum just flat out called HBO a liar. Now boys...
Its too bad boxing fans won't get to see the two best fighters in the world this fall. Senator Pacquaio has has his constituents in the Phillipines to look out for. Retirement wouldn't be a stretch. Rickey Hatton has been making noise about a rematch with Mayweather at Wembley Stadium in England. Hatton feels he was robbed by the referee, in his last defeat to Money, by denying him a chance to use his in-a-box clenching fighting style. Maybe a home town ref will help. Couldn't hurt as much as your last beat-down, Rickey. Could be a big payday for Mayweather without the threat of losing.
When Mayweather says, "Well, I'm not desperate," in reply to a meeting with Pacquaio, all fans hear is "I'm chicken." Mayweather has more excuses than Charlie Rangel. Nobody wants to hear about the big, bad taxman or claims that Money's brand is "being undefeated." Pacquaio had called out the self-centered welterweight and Mayweather didn't step into the ring...period. All of Mayweather's followers, who made him rich and famous, should realize that their champ isn't on vacation, he's in hiding.
Let's Do The Math
Funny how everyone calls the New Jersey Nets Jay-Z's team. Yup, he put up $1 million, but didn't the tall Russian pay $200 million for the team. How's that "Title in five years" plan working out so far, Mr. Prokhorov. You should feel at home, Newark is the Siberia of the NBA.
Memories of Linda Pepper in High School...Die Linda Die!
Read somewhere that Cleveland thought about retiring LeBron's number because he is the greatest player in Cav's history. Wow, that's like having your steady girlfriend leave you for your best friend in the middle of a party and you still keep a picture of her on your wall and...I don't want to talk about it...
Heard that West Virginia basketball coach Bob Huggins broke seven ribs in a slip in his hotel room. Seven ribs!!!!??? At least he wasn't driving.
The dog days of summer are here. Pennant races in full swing. The X Games are on ESPN. A new season of Jersey Shore. No, not the show, I actually hang out down on the 15th Street Beach in Belmar. Just when I got over the drone of vuvuzellas, now comes "Wadda you lookin' at?" on the boardwalk and "Yo dude, you really got some air" on the television. All that said, what has really gets me riled is Floyd Mayweather Jr.
It has been a few days since Bob Arum announced the upcoming November 13 fight between his fighter, Manny Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito. A decent bout, but not the fight every boxing fan wanted and deserved. PacMan will be going for a record eighth world title in eight weight classes. Talk about the greatest pound for pound fighter in the world; Pacquiao just might someday win a title in every weight class.
Pacquiao (51-3, 38 KOs) will battle the shamed Margarito (38-6, 27 KOs) at 150 pounds for the vacant WBC light-middleweight belt at a still undisclosed location. Margarito may be unable to get a license in Las Vegas---because of last year's plaster of paris handwrap incident---so promoters are looking to a possible meeting in Monterrey, Mexico---Margarito's home turf.
Mayweather's camp has done nothing short of ducking Pacquiao. First, it was the drug testing clause then, the split of the purse, then time off. Now, like a bunch of schoolboys puffing out their chests on the playground---lots of finger-pointing and name calling---everyone involved is claiming its not their fault that the "fight of the century" will not happen this year---and probably never will appear in the annals of boxing.
HBO Sports President, Russ Greenburg said he got involved as a mediator between Golden Boy Promotions---which represent Mayweather---and Top Rank---which reps Pacquiao. Greenburgh cited the "unprecedented world-wide appeal" of a fight between Money and PacMan. The biggest Pay per View and payday in the history of boxing. Greenburg said he talked to both promoters at the beginning of May and couldn't get anyone to shake hands. Great...only thing is both war parties deny talking with HBO.
Golden Boy executive, Richard Schaefer said, "Floyd Mayweather is taking a vacation." He goes further by stressing, " Why would Floyd start talking about a future fight just days after fighting Shane Mosley?" Arum just flat out called HBO a liar. Now boys...
Its too bad boxing fans won't get to see the two best fighters in the world this fall. Senator Pacquaio has has his constituents in the Phillipines to look out for. Retirement wouldn't be a stretch. Rickey Hatton has been making noise about a rematch with Mayweather at Wembley Stadium in England. Hatton feels he was robbed by the referee, in his last defeat to Money, by denying him a chance to use his in-a-box clenching fighting style. Maybe a home town ref will help. Couldn't hurt as much as your last beat-down, Rickey. Could be a big payday for Mayweather without the threat of losing.
When Mayweather says, "Well, I'm not desperate," in reply to a meeting with Pacquaio, all fans hear is "I'm chicken." Mayweather has more excuses than Charlie Rangel. Nobody wants to hear about the big, bad taxman or claims that Money's brand is "being undefeated." Pacquaio had called out the self-centered welterweight and Mayweather didn't step into the ring...period. All of Mayweather's followers, who made him rich and famous, should realize that their champ isn't on vacation, he's in hiding.
Let's Do The Math
Funny how everyone calls the New Jersey Nets Jay-Z's team. Yup, he put up $1 million, but didn't the tall Russian pay $200 million for the team. How's that "Title in five years" plan working out so far, Mr. Prokhorov. You should feel at home, Newark is the Siberia of the NBA.
Memories of Linda Pepper in High School...Die Linda Die!
Read somewhere that Cleveland thought about retiring LeBron's number because he is the greatest player in Cav's history. Wow, that's like having your steady girlfriend leave you for your best friend in the middle of a party and you still keep a picture of her on your wall and...I don't want to talk about it...
Heard that West Virginia basketball coach Bob Huggins broke seven ribs in a slip in his hotel room. Seven ribs!!!!??? At least he wasn't driving.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Ahmad Albar Seorang Gay | D'Love Movie
Ahmad Syech Albar lebih dikenal sebagai Ahmad Albar (lahir di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 16 Juli 1946; umur 64 tahun) adalah seorang penyanyi dan pemusik Indonesia yang merupakan vokalis dari grup musik God Bless. Ahmad lahir dari pasangan Syech Albar dan Farida Al-Hasni. Ibunya bercerai dan kemudian menikah dengan seorang artis, Jamaluddin Malik. Dari pernikahan mereka ini melahirkan seorang artis
Angels Thrwarted In Move To Strengthen Team
The Los Angeles Angels failed to strengthen their team, when they attempted to trade for Chicago Cubs first baseman Derrek Lee. Lee has a no trade clause and nixed the deal saying he wanted to do what was best for him and his family and stay in Chicago. He also said that he would like to remain a Cub after this season and beyond.
Even though Lee has somewhat struggled this year, he would've been welcomed to an Angels team that needs another bat in the lineup. His Gold Glove defense would've also been a help. Current first baseman Kendry Morales is on the DL with a broken leg after celebrating a a walk off grand slam in May. This is a blow to the Angels in their pursuit of the first place Texas Rangers, but I'm sure they'll keep looking to make deals until the trade deadline on Saturday.
Even though Lee has somewhat struggled this year, he would've been welcomed to an Angels team that needs another bat in the lineup. His Gold Glove defense would've also been a help. Current first baseman Kendry Morales is on the DL with a broken leg after celebrating a a walk off grand slam in May. This is a blow to the Angels in their pursuit of the first place Texas Rangers, but I'm sure they'll keep looking to make deals until the trade deadline on Saturday.
Lorenzen Wright Found Dead
Former Memphis Tiger and Atlana Hawks center Lorenzen Wright was found dead in Southeast Memphis. I never knew he was missing until i read the report that his body was found this afternoon.
Wright last played for the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2009. He starred for his hometown Memphis Tigers in college and also played for the Grizzlies. Wright was a former lotttery pick and played in the NBA for over a decade.
'Reality Boys' Team Up In Cincy
After seemingly being blackballed by the NFL, Terrell Owens finally has a home. Owens is the newest member of the Cincinnati Bengals. Owens officially signed with the Bengals yesterday and now joins fellow reality star Chad Ochocinco. Ownes is a good pickup and him and Ochocinco, along with Antonio Bryant gives the Bengals a potentially explosive group of receivers. Of course if this pairing was done about 5 years ago it would be absolutely lethal. Owens clearly isn't what he once was. Although, even at 37, he has kept himself in great physical condition and still can get the job done. He gives quarterback Carson Palmer another target to throw to, if he can hang onto the ball. Owens has been plagued by drops the past few years and he also has his past to deal with. He does have a lot of baggage, but I also believe he really wanted to win. It just always came to his teammates' expense. Maybe he's turning over a new leaf. He was awfully quiet in Buffalo last year. Not just statwise either. I wasn't in the locker room, but there weren't any public outbursts or throwing his quarterback under the bus. Even though the Bengals are starting to resemble the Raiders of old, with the cast of characters they've assembled, this could actually be a good landing spot for Owens.
Chad Ocho Cinco,
Cincinnati Bengals,
Terrell Owens
West Side Story Solved
Story and photos by Tony Mangia
Upper westsiders have been noticing the whimsical art for years. Bikers and runners on the riverside path can't help but stare at the ever-changing piles of driftwood with the occasional plastic or metal accessory stacked up every twenty feet or so apart. Car drivers stuck in rush hour hell can even see the odd folk art along the West Side Highway. It helps break up the monotony of a long jog or boring commute. Dozens of these sculptures appear out of nowhere north of the 79th Street boat basin and disappear before crossing 110th Street.
Like wood cairns popping up out of nowhere, these displays line the east shore of the Hudson River. Some are simple, maybe a couple of small pieces of driftwood, to the elaborate jigsaw of a hundred sun-bleached branches and trestles which form small fortresses. Most of
For years I peddled up Riverside Park to the George Washington Bridge on my bike--even when the path was an obstacle course of muddy patches, stairs and ventures onto Riverside Drive, not the smooth paved path it is today. The funny looking bundles of river wood were always there--always changing. The maze of crooked branches and driftwood made me smile. They were a wonderful mystery until I met the single-named creator--Alvaro.
Alvaro, who lives in Manhattan, and rides his bike to the river weekdays around noon to scavenge among the rocks for his building materials. Alvaro explained that he has been doing this since spring and has taken up where the "unknown old man" who started it, stopped. The unassuming artist doesn't delve into his personal life except to say he's of Italian descent by way of Columbia. He has been in New York for 22 years and proudly states that he is a stained-glass artisan by trade. The tanned Alvaro claims his Italian heritage draws him down to the river to "create and do something artistic." The Hudson River Greenway is his art gallery.
Wandering on the craggy river shore, between casting fisherman, and lazing street people, Alvaro picks through the bottles, paper wrappers, old diapers and "Coney Island Codfish"-- otherwise known as used condoms. Alvaro doesn't specify what makes a good piece of building material. He doesn't seem too particular, but he does pick and choose. Maybe it is the crook of a branch or the width of a stump? Maybe it's the right bow of a small tree that completes a previously unfinished piece? Only the soft-spoken artist knows.
The sculptures usually have a short life. They have no names or titles. They are never the same and like a child's sandcastle swept away by the tide, Alvaro's creations meet a similar fate--only to wind and vandals. The northern gusts of the Hudson can topple some of the lighter stacks but the real culprit are kids and "one bitter, old homeless man who has something against my work," claims Alvaro. He doesn't know who the culprit is but has spotted him vandalizing his work. Alvaro doesn't come to the river on weekends, so packs of destructive teens usually break up the works. Each Monday, the artist starts gathering his wood, finds a new spot and starts building his happy parade of formations again.
I don't know how long Alvaro will keep crafting his temporary driftwood curiosities. The river will continue to yield an unending supply of material and inspiration and--in a city full of franchise chain stores, loud pop culture and fake celebrity--Alvaro's synthesis of vision and anonymity help give New York back some of its quiet incantation. I know the quirky little structures in Alvaro's free art show can make anyone's journey up or down the Hudson shore a little more enjoyable.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Fatwa Haram Infotainment
Televisi adalah salah satu media hiburan dan informasi yang banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat kita. Kemampuan audiovisual telah membuat televisi unggul dibanding dengan media informasi lainnya. Namun kita perlu khawatir berkenaan dengan dampak negatif televisi. Melalui acara-acara yang miskin akan unsur edukatif, nilai-nilai buruk yang jauh dari standar moralitas dapat tertanam pada diri
Jack Tatum, R.I.P
The man who I consider the godfather of hard hitting safeties, Jack Tatum, passed away from a massive heart attack. He was 61. Tatum previously battled diabetes and other health problems for years.
To me, Tatum brought in the era of the jaw rattling safety. He was a feared man on the field. Ronnie Lott, Kenny Easley and others were players in the same mold. Hard hitting, fearless, and dared you to come across the middle. Being from Michigan it would be wrong to pay a Buckeye this much respect, but Tatum was the man. He was more known for paralyzing a defenseless Darryl Stingley in 1978. Even though he never formally apologized, there was some remorse for the vicious hit that confined Stingley to an electric wheelchair the rest of his life.
They're Done
I hate to keep harping on one thing and beating a dead horse, but after being no hit by Tampa Bay's Matt Garza, I came to the conclusion that the Detroit Tigers are done. Donelike the Thanksgiving turkey when the little red thing pops up. The Tigers showed no signs of life and looked overmatched most of the night. I guess that's what happens when you have to replace proven major leaguers with 4a player types. Some will fault Jim Leyland, but he's only playing the hand he's been dealt. It's been a combination of bad luck, untimely injuries, and Dave Dombrowski not building enough quality depth in the minor league system. It's all happening at the worse time of the year, where th Tigers face their most brutal stretch of game. All on the road no less, where they've struggled all season.
I hate to give up on the season, but it's pretty hard to watch a team that seems close, but they're really far away. I still say don't make any desperation moves since they really don't have any chips to bring to the table. Unless they get a sweetheart of a deal. It would be a disservice to the fans to publicly admit giving up on the season. Deep down I think they all know it's pretty much over and the day will come where they'll be playing for next season and beyond. I'll still watch ad support them any way I can, but I think i have the same sentiment as many Tigers fans. It's over. Wait til next year. Then again, I could be wrong. Stranger things have happened.
Yes, Garza still has that thing on his chin.
I hate to give up on the season, but it's pretty hard to watch a team that seems close, but they're really far away. I still say don't make any desperation moves since they really don't have any chips to bring to the table. Unless they get a sweetheart of a deal. It would be a disservice to the fans to publicly admit giving up on the season. Deep down I think they all know it's pretty much over and the day will come where they'll be playing for next season and beyond. I'll still watch ad support them any way I can, but I think i have the same sentiment as many Tigers fans. It's over. Wait til next year. Then again, I could be wrong. Stranger things have happened.
Yes, Garza still has that thing on his chin.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Soccket: Bola Sepak Yang Bisa Jadi Charger Hp
Sepp Blatter, presiden FIFA menyatakan sepakbola memiliki "kekuatan" untuk menyatukan semua orang.
Empat orang alumni Harvard University menciptakan sebuah bola yang bisa mengisi ulang baterai ponsel. Mereka mengkombinkasikan bola dengan alat charger sederhana. Jika bola digelindingkan, magnet di dalamnya akan mengisi kapasitor. Listrik pun keluar melalui apapun yang kita colokkan.
Julia Silverman, salah satu co-inventor pergi ke Afrika Selatan untuk menguji bola itu. Menurutnya bola itu bisa berdampak besar bagi daerah-daerah miskin di seluruh dunia. Sebab untuk 15 menit permainan, Anda mendapatkan tiga jam cahaya lampu. Produk-produk berenergi rendah akan bekerja paling baik, jadi tidak akan bisa menjalankan microwave dengan ini, tapi diharapkan bisa membuat perubahan bagi siapapun yang tidak memiliki persediaan energi listrik.
Julia Silverman
Bocah-bocah Alexandria memainkan Soccket tanpa 'curiga'
Soccket dicobakan dalam turnamen FIFA Football for Hope
Anak-anak berkumpul melihat demonstrasi "ajaib" Soccket
Anak-anak di kotapraja Alexandria memainkan bola itu seperti biasa tanpa curiga, bahkan salah satunya mengatakan bola itu lebih baik dari Jabulani, bola resmi Piala Dunia 2010. Baru kemudian, Teko Moleke, 12 tahun, mengira bola itu "ajaib" saat ditunjukkan bagaimana si bundar itu bisa menghasilkan cahaya lampu.
Disini sepakbola disebut "Diski" dan merupakan olahraga paling populer
Rencananya bola itu bakal dijual murah di negara-negara kurang mampu, sementara dijual harga penuh di negara-negara yang lebih makmur agar setiap anak seperti di Alexandria bisa memiliki bola itu dengan harga terjangkau. Listrik yang dihasilkan pun bisa dimanfaatkan katakanlah untuk mereka membaca selama beberapa jam.
Rencananya lagi, mungkin ide ini bakal dikembangkan ke bola basket dan peranti olahraga lainnya dan mengembangkan stopkontaknya agar bisa digunakan untuk berbagai jenis steker.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tigers Need Help After Guillen And Ordonez Injuries
With Carlos Guillen on the 15 day disabled list and Magglio Ordonez out for the time that you get a rebate check (6-8 weeks), the Detroit Tigers might be desperate to pull the trigger on a trade that could bring another heavy bat to their lineup. This is a big blow to their hopes of catching the White Sox and without them they could fall out of the race altogether.
I would like to see them make a trade, but I just don't think they have enough ammunition to get a trade done without depleting a pretty thin farm system. They were rumored in talks for pitching, notably Arizona's Dan Haren, but he was dealt to the Angels. I heard they might be in play for Kansas City's Jose Guillen. Another rumor that has been put out there is that they are interested in Washington's Adam Dunn. I'm sure Tigers fans would love to see that, I just don't think they have the goods to get the deal done. I also heard they had scouts looking at the Phillies' Jayson Werth. With the Phillies semi struggling on offense, that might not happen. If the Nationals reportedly asked the White Sox for Gordon Beckham, they'll want Fort Knox from the Tigers. If they can't get any deals done without giving up anything significant, I'm afraid they'll need to pull the retooling trigger a bit faster than the people of Detroit would like.
I would like to see them make a trade, but I just don't think they have enough ammunition to get a trade done without depleting a pretty thin farm system. They were rumored in talks for pitching, notably Arizona's Dan Haren, but he was dealt to the Angels. I heard they might be in play for Kansas City's Jose Guillen. Another rumor that has been put out there is that they are interested in Washington's Adam Dunn. I'm sure Tigers fans would love to see that, I just don't think they have the goods to get the deal done. I also heard they had scouts looking at the Phillies' Jayson Werth. With the Phillies semi struggling on offense, that might not happen. If the Nationals reportedly asked the White Sox for Gordon Beckham, they'll want Fort Knox from the Tigers. If they can't get any deals done without giving up anything significant, I'm afraid they'll need to pull the retooling trigger a bit faster than the people of Detroit would like.
USC's Short Term Success Yields Long Term Problems
If everyone in the Pac-10 plays thier cards right, they can bury USC, starting this season. With the Trojan brass booting out former Athletic Director Mike Garrett and giving back Reggie Bush's Heisman, it seems like they're trying to get back into the good graces of the NCAA. They also picked former Trojan QB and Rhodes Scholar Pat Haden to run the athletic department. All because everyone looked the other way and Garrett was so smug and arrogant that hedidn't want to see the wrong doing going on with the football and basketball programs.
The if you don't know, you don't need to know atmosphere in Trojanland, fostered by Garrett and former coach Pete Carroll and others allowed to go on at USC was and is unacceptable. Of course the only ones punished for this are the current and future players at USC.
This is why I say it's time for teams in the Pac-10 to step their game up and bury USC. This is theperfect time for Rick Neuheisel to get UCLA back on track. This is a prime moment for Oregon to cement their staus as kings of the Pac-10 (if they can keep out of trouble). California and Washington can possibly take a step up in class by landing some great talent that is sure to spurn USC to go elsewhere. The Trojans are amn lucky Texas, Oklahoma, and others didn't take the invite to go to the Pac-10. I'm sure they'll get back on their feet, but it might take a while before that happens.
The if you don't know, you don't need to know atmosphere in Trojanland, fostered by Garrett and former coach Pete Carroll and others allowed to go on at USC was and is unacceptable. Of course the only ones punished for this are the current and future players at USC.
This is why I say it's time for teams in the Pac-10 to step their game up and bury USC. This is theperfect time for Rick Neuheisel to get UCLA back on track. This is a prime moment for Oregon to cement their staus as kings of the Pac-10 (if they can keep out of trouble). California and Washington can possibly take a step up in class by landing some great talent that is sure to spurn USC to go elsewhere. The Trojans are amn lucky Texas, Oklahoma, and others didn't take the invite to go to the Pac-10. I'm sure they'll get back on their feet, but it might take a while before that happens.
Kiffin keeps pissing off Tennessee
USC head coach has once again pissed off someone in Tennessee. This time for stealing away Tennesse Titans running backs coach Kennedy Pola. From USC alum and Titans head coach Jeff Fisher. It's not the point that Pola left for a lateral job move. It's the fact that Kiffin hired him away without asking Fisher for permission to talk to him about the job. Now the Titans are staring at going into camp without a running backs coach. The reason why the Trojans need one is because former coach Todd McNair was the fall guy in the cheating scandal.
Pola, who also is an USC alum,and played and coached for the Trojans, is also the uncle of former Trojan and current Pittsburgh Steeler Troy Polamalu. I have no problem with Pola going somewhere that he feels he advance his coaching career. But the way this went down, I don't know if he will get another shot on an NFL coaching staff. Not after leaving one of the longest tenured coaches in the league today. Jeff Fisher is none too pleased with how this all went down.
"I am very disappointed in Lane Kiffin's approach to this,'' Fisher said on Saturday. "Typically speaking, when coaches are interested in hiring or discussing potential employment from coaches on respective staffs there is a courtesy call made from the head coach or athletic director indicating there is an interest in talking to the assistant.
"So I am very disappointed in the lack of professionalism on behalf of Lane, to call me and leave me a voice mail after Kennedy had informed me he had taken the job. It is just a lack of professionalism."
Word is, that Pola wasn't Kiffin's first choice. Eric Bienemy, the running backs coach for the Vikings got a promotion and pay raise to keep this scenario from happening to them. If Kiffin had any friends left in Tennessee, he doesn't have any now.
Kiffin is now trying to explain another mess he's created.
"We reached out to Kennedy Pola [on Friday] to gauge whether he had any possible interest in returning to USC before we moved forward with the process," Kiffin said.
"Kennedy said he would think about it and get back to us today. Once Kennedy did call back earlier today, out of my great respect for Coach Fisher I immediately reached out to Coach to make him aware of the situation. I have spoken with Coach Fisher and he now has an accurate understanding of the timeline of events," Kiffin said.
I think Kiffin needs to keep his mouth shut and coach since it seems like he can't do anything on the up and up.
Pola, who also is an USC alum,and played and coached for the Trojans, is also the uncle of former Trojan and current Pittsburgh Steeler Troy Polamalu. I have no problem with Pola going somewhere that he feels he advance his coaching career. But the way this went down, I don't know if he will get another shot on an NFL coaching staff. Not after leaving one of the longest tenured coaches in the league today. Jeff Fisher is none too pleased with how this all went down.
"I am very disappointed in Lane Kiffin's approach to this,'' Fisher said on Saturday. "Typically speaking, when coaches are interested in hiring or discussing potential employment from coaches on respective staffs there is a courtesy call made from the head coach or athletic director indicating there is an interest in talking to the assistant.
"So I am very disappointed in the lack of professionalism on behalf of Lane, to call me and leave me a voice mail after Kennedy had informed me he had taken the job. It is just a lack of professionalism."
Word is, that Pola wasn't Kiffin's first choice. Eric Bienemy, the running backs coach for the Vikings got a promotion and pay raise to keep this scenario from happening to them. If Kiffin had any friends left in Tennessee, he doesn't have any now.
Kiffin is now trying to explain another mess he's created.
"We reached out to Kennedy Pola [on Friday] to gauge whether he had any possible interest in returning to USC before we moved forward with the process," Kiffin said.
"Kennedy said he would think about it and get back to us today. Once Kennedy did call back earlier today, out of my great respect for Coach Fisher I immediately reached out to Coach to make him aware of the situation. I have spoken with Coach Fisher and he now has an accurate understanding of the timeline of events," Kiffin said.
I think Kiffin needs to keep his mouth shut and coach since it seems like he can't do anything on the up and up.
college football,
Lane Kiffin,
Tennessee Titans,
Sarah Idol jadi Vokalis Band Coklat
Band Cokelat siap eksis kembali dengan formasi baru. Kikan yang mengundurkan diri Maret 2009 lalu, digantikan oleh vokalis baru bernama Sarah, jebolan Indonesian Idol. Bagaimana kontestan Indonesian Idol 2007 itu bisa terpilih? Bukan asal tunjuk, Sarah dipilih setelah melalui proses seleksi yang cukup panjang. Dari sekitar 120 orang yang mengajukan diri menggantikan posisi Kikan, Sarah yang
Band Coklat,
Profil Sarah Idol,
Sarah Idol
One Of The Best Dunks Of All Time
This is one of the most illest, underrated,not talked about dunks of all time.
Nice music.
Nice music.
Cheat Point Blank Headshot
Saya bukanlah seorang Gamer, tapi ketertarikan saya hanya bermula dari ikut2an sama si kecil. Namun setelah mencoba ternyata Game ini sempat membuat saya hampir jadi ketagihan.....wakakaka.Karena penasaran dengan game ini, saya mencoba melakukan browsing.Ternyata hasilnya sangat fantastis , berikut hasil browsing yang saya himpun dari beberapa sumber.Tim Point Blank Indonesia kembali membawa
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ndamakong Suh- TV Star
I never knew commercias of the big man existed until now.
As a Lions fan, let's hope this translates to the field.
As a Lions fan, let's hope this translates to the field.
Wake Up The Echoes
Word on the street is that the Notre Dame-Miami rivalry will be restarting in 2012.
The Hurricanes and Fighting Irish will play Oct. 6, 2012, at Soldier Field in Chicago, then play a home-and-home starting in 2016 at South Bend, Ind. They play in Miami the next season. Even though the series dates back to the 1950s, this rivalry really got going in the 80s with Miami's emergence as a player on the national scene.Notre Dame leads the series 15-7-1.
In 1985 the Canes whipped the Fighting Irish 58-7 in coach Gerry Fast's last game. I personally enjoyed it as Miami blatantly ran up the score with no regard. On the flip, if you can't stop the backups, don't complain. That's why I couldn't be a broadcaster. I'm a bit biased. Going into the 1988 game Notre Dame supporters coined the contest 'Catholics vs. Convicts'. Notre Dame won the game and that was also the last time the Fighting Irish won the national title. During the 80s and early 90s this was a game that was a deciding factor in the national championship race. Notre Dame won the last game in the series in 1990, 29-20.
I'm anxious to see this series get started again. I hope both teams are nationally relevant by the time this game rolls around. I would love to see the pregame trash talk and pushing and shoving that teams aren't allowed to do these days. Wake up the echoes.
The Hurricanes and Fighting Irish will play Oct. 6, 2012, at Soldier Field in Chicago, then play a home-and-home starting in 2016 at South Bend, Ind. They play in Miami the next season. Even though the series dates back to the 1950s, this rivalry really got going in the 80s with Miami's emergence as a player on the national scene.Notre Dame leads the series 15-7-1.
In 1985 the Canes whipped the Fighting Irish 58-7 in coach Gerry Fast's last game. I personally enjoyed it as Miami blatantly ran up the score with no regard. On the flip, if you can't stop the backups, don't complain. That's why I couldn't be a broadcaster. I'm a bit biased. Going into the 1988 game Notre Dame supporters coined the contest 'Catholics vs. Convicts'. Notre Dame won the game and that was also the last time the Fighting Irish won the national title. During the 80s and early 90s this was a game that was a deciding factor in the national championship race. Notre Dame won the last game in the series in 1990, 29-20.
I'm anxious to see this series get started again. I hope both teams are nationally relevant by the time this game rolls around. I would love to see the pregame trash talk and pushing and shoving that teams aren't allowed to do these days. Wake up the echoes.
Huggs Is Ok After Bad Fall
West Virginia basketball coach is expected to be released from a Las Vegas hospital today after breaking four ribs in a bad fall. Reports don't get into specifics, except that he was in Vegas for a recruiting trip. Ole Miss coach Andy Kennedy said the fall was not related to any previous heart problems. Huggins is expected back in Morgantown later today.
I do hope he makes a quick and healthy recovery,as he is one of my favorite coaches. I've always liked the teams he's coached and the style they played. I also hope this wasn't related to alcohol use, since he's had a problem with that before. It also got him unceremoniously dumped from the University of Cincinnati.
I do hope he makes a quick and healthy recovery,as he is one of my favorite coaches. I've always liked the teams he's coached and the style they played. I also hope this wasn't related to alcohol use, since he's had a problem with that before. It also got him unceremoniously dumped from the University of Cincinnati.
Bulls' capspace doesn't land big prizes
Basketball fans you've seen this happen before. A team trades players (salary dump) and gets rid of draft picks to clear salary cap space to land a few big prizes in a bumper crop of free agents. Then no one takes your money and you have to settle for a second tier player on the market. The team that I speak of is the Chicago Bulls. Remember when Michael Jordan retired and Pippen and Rodman parted ways and GM Jerry Krause said "organizations win championships,not players" or something to that effect. They proceeded to clear out scores of cap room and no one came to Chicago. Its almost the same scenario except the cupboard isn't bare and they do have young pieces in place with Derrick Rose, Luol Deng, Taj Gibson, and Joakim Noah, and James Johnson. They signed Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer, and Kurt Thomas. Probably not what they wanted out of free agency, but they were solid pickups. In the process they lost Brad Miller to the Houston Rockets.
I do consider the Bulls to be losers in free agency, but they're a young, up and coming team, so shed no tears for them. To me it looks like Derrick Rose wants to be the man in Chicago and i think he's up to the task. Noah is maturing and becoming a solid player. If Deng can stay healthy and all the pieces click, they will be a contender in the Eastern Conference for years to come.
I do consider the Bulls to be losers in free agency, but they're a young, up and coming team, so shed no tears for them. To me it looks like Derrick Rose wants to be the man in Chicago and i think he's up to the task. Noah is maturing and becoming a solid player. If Deng can stay healthy and all the pieces click, they will be a contender in the Eastern Conference for years to come.
Second Half Predictions
The second half of the baseball season has started and I have a few predictions in store for the rest of the season. Of course, I coud be wrong.
AL East-I see the Yankees taking the division, but they won't run away with it. Tampa Bay and Boston will ahve a lot to say about that. I figure either the Rays or Red Sox should win the wild card. As of now New York holds a 4 game lead on Tampa and 7 up on Boston. I do expect all three to make significant trades as the deadline nears. The Yankees are in the mix on everyone, Boston has been quiet on the rumor front, and the Rays have been rumored as a possible destination for Kansas City's Zack Greinke. If Greinke lands in Tampa, that could possibly change the tide in chase for the AL East title.
AL Central-No one seems to want to take control of this division. Although it looks like the White Sox are showing no signs of slowing down. They've been involved in trade talks, notably for Milwaukee's Prince Fielder. If that happens, pencil them in for the playoffs. I do think they need more pitching,especially to be considered a serious threat to get to the World Series. I expect the Twins to get healthy and right the ship and make their annual late season surge. I like the Tigers, but I think they should play more for the future of the franchise than make any deadline deals. They should hang around, but flame out towards the end. You can't lose four straight to the Indians and expect to win your division. Also, the Twins and White Sox have their number, even though no one in the Tiger clubhouse will admit to it.
AL West- The Texas Rangers have forged ahead to a seven game lead over the Los Angeles Angels, with a chance to push it to nine by the end of the weekend. Texas got one of the biggest trade deadline prizes, being the surprise winner in the Cliff Lee sweepstakes. The offense can mash with the best of them and now they have a little piching to go with it. The Angels need to pick it up if they want to catch the Rangers. I still think they need another big bat in their lineup to make that happen. Right now I see the Rangers running away and hiding with the division crown.
NL Central- I think the St. Louis Cardinals will overtake the Cincinnati Reds when it's all said and done. The Reds have shown more staying power than I thought they would. Scott Rolen, who has been a big piece of the Big Red resurgence is hurt and I can't say for how long. That could be crucial. I do hear pitcher Edinson Volquez is due back soon and that could balance out the loss of Rolen. St. Louis has staved off these kind of challenges before and I don't expect that to change. Their involved in the Roy Oswalt trade talks and Roy wants to be in St. Louis. Do the Cards have what it takes to pry him out of Houston? Who knows. If that trade is made, they would be the favorites to represent the National League in the World Series.
NL East- It's a bit surprising the Atlanta Braves are in first and six up on the Mets and Phillies. I mentioned in another post the Phillies hve shown themselves to be a strong second half team in the past. They could get Pedro Martinez back and could also make a big trade to vault them back into first. I haven't been sold on the Mets since they blew that seven game September lead a few years back to the Phillies. They're starting to fade, even with the return of Carlos Beltran. The Braves are the surprise leader in the clubhouse and I don't see them going anywhere. They have a balanced lineup and their trademark pitching with the savvy Bobby Cox leading the way. I expect this one to go down to the wire between the Braves and Phillies.
NL West-Once again, this is the wild west. Four teams have a legitimate shot at winning the West. The San Diego Padres don't have much offense, but they do have strong pitching and they do have the best offensive force in the division in first baseman Adrian Gonzalez. Don't expect them to make any moves at the deadline though. I haven't seen many of the games the teams in the NL West play in since its too damn late to watch them. I do know this much, the Giants,Dodgers,and Rockies will make this pennant chase exciting to watch. With six games separating the furthest competitor (Dodgers), this will be another that goes down to the wire.
AL East-I see the Yankees taking the division, but they won't run away with it. Tampa Bay and Boston will ahve a lot to say about that. I figure either the Rays or Red Sox should win the wild card. As of now New York holds a 4 game lead on Tampa and 7 up on Boston. I do expect all three to make significant trades as the deadline nears. The Yankees are in the mix on everyone, Boston has been quiet on the rumor front, and the Rays have been rumored as a possible destination for Kansas City's Zack Greinke. If Greinke lands in Tampa, that could possibly change the tide in chase for the AL East title.
AL Central-No one seems to want to take control of this division. Although it looks like the White Sox are showing no signs of slowing down. They've been involved in trade talks, notably for Milwaukee's Prince Fielder. If that happens, pencil them in for the playoffs. I do think they need more pitching,especially to be considered a serious threat to get to the World Series. I expect the Twins to get healthy and right the ship and make their annual late season surge. I like the Tigers, but I think they should play more for the future of the franchise than make any deadline deals. They should hang around, but flame out towards the end. You can't lose four straight to the Indians and expect to win your division. Also, the Twins and White Sox have their number, even though no one in the Tiger clubhouse will admit to it.
AL West- The Texas Rangers have forged ahead to a seven game lead over the Los Angeles Angels, with a chance to push it to nine by the end of the weekend. Texas got one of the biggest trade deadline prizes, being the surprise winner in the Cliff Lee sweepstakes. The offense can mash with the best of them and now they have a little piching to go with it. The Angels need to pick it up if they want to catch the Rangers. I still think they need another big bat in their lineup to make that happen. Right now I see the Rangers running away and hiding with the division crown.
NL Central- I think the St. Louis Cardinals will overtake the Cincinnati Reds when it's all said and done. The Reds have shown more staying power than I thought they would. Scott Rolen, who has been a big piece of the Big Red resurgence is hurt and I can't say for how long. That could be crucial. I do hear pitcher Edinson Volquez is due back soon and that could balance out the loss of Rolen. St. Louis has staved off these kind of challenges before and I don't expect that to change. Their involved in the Roy Oswalt trade talks and Roy wants to be in St. Louis. Do the Cards have what it takes to pry him out of Houston? Who knows. If that trade is made, they would be the favorites to represent the National League in the World Series.
NL East- It's a bit surprising the Atlanta Braves are in first and six up on the Mets and Phillies. I mentioned in another post the Phillies hve shown themselves to be a strong second half team in the past. They could get Pedro Martinez back and could also make a big trade to vault them back into first. I haven't been sold on the Mets since they blew that seven game September lead a few years back to the Phillies. They're starting to fade, even with the return of Carlos Beltran. The Braves are the surprise leader in the clubhouse and I don't see them going anywhere. They have a balanced lineup and their trademark pitching with the savvy Bobby Cox leading the way. I expect this one to go down to the wire between the Braves and Phillies.
NL West-Once again, this is the wild west. Four teams have a legitimate shot at winning the West. The San Diego Padres don't have much offense, but they do have strong pitching and they do have the best offensive force in the division in first baseman Adrian Gonzalez. Don't expect them to make any moves at the deadline though. I haven't seen many of the games the teams in the NL West play in since its too damn late to watch them. I do know this much, the Giants,Dodgers,and Rockies will make this pennant chase exciting to watch. With six games separating the furthest competitor (Dodgers), this will be another that goes down to the wire.
Bocah "Paparazzi" Ketemu Lady Gaga
Mimpi yang jadi kenyataan bagi Greyson Chance, 12 tahun, saat akhirnya dia bertemu idolanya, Lady Gaga.
Dua bulan setelah anak itu menarik perhatian Lady Gaga dan dunia dengan videonya di YouTube menyanyikan lagu "Paparazzi"-nya Gaga, akhirnya dia bertemu dengan penyanyi yang kerap tampil dengan dandanan nyentrik bin unik ini.
Greyson Chance, anak kelas 6 yang menyanyikan "Paparazzi" di festival sekolah
Chance bertemu dengan Gaga Seala malam di belakang panggung konser "Monster Ball" di Oklahoma City.
"I met @Lady Gaga!" dia menulis di twitter kamis kemarin, beserta sebuah gambar mereka berpose bersama. "Dia orangnya baik, memberiku nasehat yang bagus dan pertunjukannya sangat hebat!!"
Chance bicara dengan Gaga yang berumur 24 tahun sebelumnya lewat telepon, saat artis kontroversial itu memberitahunya untuk "bekerja keras, dan jangan mengejar gadis dulu dan fokus," katanya.
Mungkin saja mereka benar-benar bakal berduet nanti: Chance sedang mengerjakan sebuah album untuk label rekaman baru Ellen DeGeneres, yang terinspirasi setelah melihat aksi bocah itu di YouTube.
Sepertinya YouTube merupakan salah satu cara manjur untuk menjadi bintang pop selanjutnya.
PM Jepang Dikritik Habis-habisan Oleh Isterinya Sendiri
PM Jepang Naoto Kan sudah biasa dengan serangan politik. Tapi belakangan datangnya bukan dari partai musuh, melainkan isterinya sendiri.
Dalam sebuah buku yang dirilis minggu ini yang berjudul "Apa Yang Akan Berubah di Jepang Setelah Kau Menjadi Perdana Menteri," wanita nomor satu Jepang, Nobuko Kan, menulis dengan kasar tentang kelemahan-kelemahan suaminya.
Buku itu mengatakan sang perdana menteri tidak bisa masak apapun dan tidak memiliki selera fashion.
Tapi ulasan mengenai kemampuannya dalam pemerintahan yang akan membuat kita mengangkat alis.
Dia menulis bahwa suaminya -- seorang politisi 'kampung' -- adalah pembicara yang bagus dan cocok bekerja dalam dukungan peran-peran politik. Tapi sebagai perdana menteri dari negara dengan ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia, sang isteri bertanya, "Apa tidak apa-apa jika pria ini jadi perdana menteri? Karena aku sangat mengenalnya."
Nobuko Kan mengatakan bahwa suaminya bermasalah dengan membaca skrip yang sudah disiapkan.
Tentang pidato politiknya sebagai perdana menteri, dia menulis bahwa dia tidak bisa menilai bagus suaminya.
Pernikahan pasangan Kan sudah berlangsung empat dekade, dan dihormati oleh publik sebagai pasangan dengan pemikiran yang serupa. Perdana menteri bicara pada publik mengenai isterinya yang bermulut tajam dan merupakan kritik paling pedas diantara semuanya.
Dalam bukunya, dia menyatakan bahwa kebanyakan percakapan mereka adalah tentang politik. Mereka tak sependapat dan berdebat mengenai masalah itu, tulisnya, mulai dari soal hukuman mati sampai tarif pajak.
Bukunya sendiri cepat laku di sebuah toko buku di kota Tokyo.
Yuko Soma, editor perusahaan penerbit Gentosha Inc. mengatakan buku itu laku 15,000 copy untuk yang edisi pertama yang dijual pada hari Kamis lalu.
Penjualannya begitu cepat, perusahaan itu sudah menerbitkan edisi kedua sebanyak 30,000 buku, kata Soma pada Jum'at pagi.
Jum'at sorenya, penerbit itu tahu-tahu sudah menaikkan jumlah cetakan untuk edisi kedua sebanyak 60,000.
Soma berkata ide awal buku ini datang dari Yusuke Nakagawa, seorang penulis dan teman baik keluarga Kan.
Nakagawa membantu memberikan ide "pedas dan apa-adanya," kata Soma.
Para pemilih di Jepang mungkin tidak bereaksi secara buruk terhadap tindakan yang tak biasa ini oleh wanita nomor satunya. Isteri PM sebelumnya, Miyuki Hatoyama, menyita perhatian publik saat dia menulis bahwa jiwanya berkelana bersama UFO berbentuk segitiga dan pergi ke Venus, yang dia sebutkan sangat indah dan hijau.
Dalam sebuah acara talk show di Jepang, Hatoyama juga mengatakan aktor Tom Cruise adalah orang Jepang di kehidupan sebelumnya dan Cruise mungkin mengenalnya jika mereka bertemu. Di acara yang sama, Hatoyama mengatakan dia dan suaminya mendapatkan energi dengan "memakan matahari."
Para pemilih mengambil langkah yang eksentrik, dengan menolak kebijakan PM saat itu Yaukio Hatoyama, bukan karena cerita aneh isterinya.
Perdana Menteri Naoto Kan tampaknya memungkiri tulisan isterinya.
Saat bicara pada wartawan, dia bergurau, "Saya takut membacanya."
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih | Sinetron Ramadhan
Film popular Ketika Cinta Bertasbih karya sineas Chaerul Umam kini merambah layar kaca untuk melanjutkan kisahnya. Setelah dalam versi film dikisahkan bahwa percintaan Azam dan Anna berakhir bahagia, versi sinetron justru tak seindah itu. Dalam sinetron andalan RCTI produksi Sinemart menjelang Ramadhan ini, rumah tangga mereka terancam kehadiran orang ketiga.Dengan mengusung pemain yang sama
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sequel Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sementara kita menunggu apakah The Last Airbender-nya M. Night Shyamalan yang rilis 4 Agustus ini bakal meraih sukses atau tidak, jaringan kabel Nickelodeon yang merilis versi aslinya dalam bentuk serial animasi telah merencanakan kelanjutan kisah Avatar dengan judul sementara "The Legend of Korra" yang bakal tayang pada 2011 sebagai serial yang baru namun masih berhubungan dengan dunia 'per-Avatar-an'.
Ceritanya berseting 70 tahun dari kejadian Aang. Seorang avatar baru, gadis bernama Korra disebutkan memiliki watak yang keras dan memiliki jiwa yang bebas. Pencarian Korra sebagai avatar membawanya ke Republic City, pusat dunia Avatar. Sebuah kota besar yang ditenagai mesin-mesin berteknologi uap dan dihuni oleh orang-orang dari seluruh negara. Di kota itu, kriminalitas merajalela dan terjadi pemberontakan anti-bender (melawan orang-orang yang memiliki kekuatan pengendalian). Korra bakal dilatih pengendalian udara oleh anak Aang, Tenzin.
Serial ini diproduseri oleh Michael DiMartino dan Bryan Konietzko, orang-orang yang sama yang mengerjakan serial sebelumnya.
Tunggu saja 2011 nanti di saluran Nickelodeon.
Dari ceritanya sih sepertinya bakal seru. Bagaimana menurut kamu?
Dari ceritanya sih sepertinya bakal seru. Bagaimana menurut kamu?
the last airbender
Kerajaan Kurcaci di Cina
Taman ini merupakan bagian dari tiga rangkaian theme park termasuk Dwarf Empire, Butterfly Park, dan Space-time Square.
Chen terinspirasi menghabiskan hampir 100 juta yuan (140-an milyar rupiah) untuk membangun taman ini setelah dia tersentuh oleh sekelompok orang kerdil yang ia lihat di kereta.
"Kami merasa hidup mereka sulit dan buruk, jadi kami ingin membangun sebuah tempat yang hebat bagi mereka untuk hidup dan panggung untuk mereka bekerja." Dia juga memastikan keuntungan yang diperoleh akan disalurkan menjadi gaji yang lebih tinggi bagi mereka dan kondisi hidup yang lebih berkembang.
Saat ini Dwarf Empire memiliki/memperkerjakan lebih dari 100 orang kerdil, masing-masing mendapatkan kamar gratis, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris gratis, dan gaji mingguan antara 800 hingga 2000 yuan, atau sekitar Rp2 juta-an.
Selama jam buka, mereka beraksi bagi turis, yang membayar 80 yuan (Rp119) untuk masuk. Mereka bernyanyi, menari, melakukan sulap dan akrobatik, dan bahkan drama. Saat sedang tidak menghibur tamu, mereka kebanyakan ikut dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seperti kursus etiket, konseling/terapi, dan bahkan berkencan seperti Ou Jielin, 24 tahun, yang dijadwalkan akan segera menikah dengan sesama karyawan.
"Kami akan membangun sebuah tim yang terdiri dari 800 hingga 1,000 orang kerdil dan membuat wonderland orang kerdil terbesar di dunia," kata Chen.
Them park Dwarf Kingdom menjadi begitu populer sampai-sampai World Peace Foundation, organisasi PBB non-profit, berencana untuk memfilmkannya. Pimpinan eksekutif Wang Mantang mengatakan, "Kami ingin menunjukkan kemandirian kelompok spesial ini dan pentingnya menghargai diantara sesama manusia."
Cheng Mingjin telah membantu keseluruhan komunitas orang kerdil dengan theme park ini.
Bagaimana menurut Anda?
Membuat 1 Link Yang Membuka 2 Alamat Situs
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Berikut kodenya:
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Biru = url 2 (misal.
Oranye = Tulisan yang diinginkan sebagai anchor text.
Tips Agar Blog Banyak Dikunjungi
Blog adalah tentang konten/isi. Begitu Anda memberikan 'presentasi' yang memenuhi bayangan pencari informasi, mereka mungkin akan terus setia pada blog Anda seperti berlanggan majalah.
Tips berikut ini mungkin bisa membantu Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung.
1. Update posting secara rutin. Sekali setiap satu minggu sudah cukup. Namun yang terpenting adalah memastikan tulisan Anda orisinil meski blog atau website lain telah menerbitkan informasi yang serupa. Berikan sedikit pandangan pribadi Anda mengenai masalah yang dibicarakan, atau petiklah informasi tersebut dari berbagai sumber.
2. Submit blog Anda ke Google di alamat, ini memungkinkan blog Anda terdafatar di index pencarian.
3. Submit artikel ke situs-situs bookmarking seperti Lintas Berita, digg, Beritahu Saya, dan lain-lain. Ini sangat bermanfaat bagi blog seperti blog saya yang tidak memiliki tema khusus. Pilihlan artikel-artikel yang menarik sehingga semua orang bisa menikmatinya.
4. Imbangi konten dengan ragam tutorial. Blog berisi tips dan tutorial blogging menjanjikan lebih banyak traffic. Saya sendiri sedang memikirkan untuk membuat blog saya tetap menyajikan berita dan informasi ringan tapi juga diimbangi dengan ragam panduan yang bisa dimanfaatkan semua orang. Maklum, saya kurang paham mengkostumisasi CSS, javascript dan hal-hal seperti itu. Apa-apa langsung cari di Google. Hehe.
5. Kunjungi blog-blog lain (blogwalking) dan tinggalkan jejak. Tulis komentar atau isi buku tamu dengan mengikutsertakan link blog Anda. Pertimbangkan menulis nama blog Anda dan bukannya nama Anda sendiri, tujuannya agar lebih eye-catching dan membuat orang yang selanjutnya hendak berkomentar melirik nama Anda dan 'tergoda' untuk mengkliknya.
Percayalah, ini semua cukup menyenangkan saat dilakukan. Selain mendapatkan pengetahuan yang beragam mengenai blogging, Anda mungkin akan senang melihat selalu ada pengunjung baru setiap harinya ke blog Anda lebih dari sebelumnya.
Saya sendiri masih belajar dan mengutip tips ini dari berbagai blog yang lebih mumpuni.
Happy blogging, y'all!
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Dribel Massal Oleh Ribuan Anak Gaza
Lebih dari 7,200 anak di Gaza mendribel bola basket untuk memecahkan rekor tak resmi pada Kamis malam di sebuah bandara di Rafah, seperti yang disebutkan seorang agen PBB.
"Sungguh fantastis hari ini," John Ging, kepala Relief Works Agency PBB berkata tentang event itu. "Anak-anak Gaza sekali lagi menunjukkan mereka memiliki kemampuan dan bakat yang fantastis, dan yang harus kita lakukan adalah mebantu mereka merealisasikan potensi mereka itu."
Jubir agen pembebasan Chris Gunness mengatakan rekor dribel massal ini masih harus diverifikasi Guinness Book of Records.
Diorganisir oleh agen PBB, Great Gaza Global Bounce adalah bagian dari program Summer Games tahunan yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan-kegiatan rekreasi bagi lebih dari seperempat juta anak di seluruh Gaza.
Sekarang di tahun keempatnya, permainan-permainnnya merupakan program rekreasi terbesar bagi anak-anak Gaza dan dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman musim panas yang positif bagi banyak anak yang telah menderita kemiskinan dan ketidaknyamanan di tempat tinggalnya.
Anak-anak di Gaza, yang sering memiliki sedikit sekali jalur rekreasi diluar sekolah, mendatangi kamp-kamp tahunan ini untuk ikut dalam kegiatan olahraga, seni dan kerajinan tangan, teater, dan kegiatan-kegiatan drama.
Usaha membuat rekor ini bukan yang pertama kali bagi anak-anak yang diprakarsai PBB di summer camp ini. Tahun lalu, partisipan Summer Games membuat rekor jumlah layangan yang diterbangkan secara simultan.
Sebelum usaha memecahkan rekor pada Kamis lalu ini, Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon menyatakan dukungannya dalam sebuah pesan video.
"Saya ingin memberi selamat pada anak-anak Gaza karena mengambil bagian dalam event yang luarbiasa ini," ujarnya. "Kalian menunjukkan pada dunia bahwa kau diberi kesempatan ... kau bisa jadi yang nomor satu!"
Rekor memantulkan bola basket secara bersamaan sebelumnya telah dibuat di tahun 2007 pada Hoosier Basketball Celebration di Indiana dimana lebih dari 3,000 orang memantulkan bola secara
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hari Anak Nasional 2010 Versi Blogger
Peringatan Hari Anak Nasional yang jatuh pada hari ini, Jumat (23/7/2010) dipusatkan di Gedung Sasono Langen Budoyo Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta Timur.Tak Pelak, sejak pukul 06.00 Wib, taman rekreasi ini dibanjiri oleh aktivitas anak-anak. Bahkan, di setiap titik TMII terpasangan ragam atribut peringatan seperti spanduk, baliho, bendera dan aksesoris yang bertemakan anak-anak.Puncak
Jimmy Johnson on Survivor?! I think he's just bored
Former Super Bowl and National Championship winning football coach Jimmy Johnson will be going on the Survivor reality show. Personally, I think he's bored. Think about it. Jimmy has always been hyper competitive. He likes to win at everything. If he doesn't, he sure acts like it. He needs another challenge, but doesn't want to coach football to meet that challenge, so he found a new one. I might watch it just to see how Jimmy handles himself. If he does win, I wonder is he going to keep the money. I don't think that would go over too well with a person less fortunate finishing behind Jimmy and not getting the money. I'll be tuned in to see how he does.
The Buddyball Era
Once LeBron James joined Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade in Miami, two of his closer friends in the NBA, I said it was the start of buddyball. Now it seems like New Orleans Hornets point guard Chris Paul wants in on the action. Not necessarily going to play in Miami, but calling for a trade where there is an established superstar. He wants a trade unless the Hornets can convince him that they're willing to become a contender. As of now I don't see that happening in New Orleans at this moment due to the slow pace of an ownership change.
I can understand wanting to win, but don't try to pout your way out of town. Making a trade demand makes you look like a spoiled child. By trying to go to a team that has a big time player is only saying I want to play with my boys. Especially in the light of the Miami 3 get together. Players must remember this is basketball not the get along gang. Saying he wants to go to New York, Orlando, Dallas, and Portland. All teams that are playoff contenders, with the exception of the Knicks. But the Knicks do have Amare Stoudemire,supposedly one of Paul's "boys". I'm no insider, but Stoudemire said he could deliver Carmelo Anthony to the Knicks if he signed there and Paul said that he, Anthony and Stoudemire would form a "big three" in New York at Anthony's wedding. Here's the thing Chris, management holds the cards. They're not going to trade you for a bag of basketballs and the towel boy. If the Hornets do trade you, they have to get fair value. It's a business. I know the Hornets have never been the ideal franchise, they still have to trot out a good product to keep the fans interest and make money.
Personally, I get tired of athletes making these kind of demands. Paul should've thought about this when he signed his contract extension in 2008. I understand the Hornets appeared on the cusp after taking the defending champion San Antonio Spurs to seven games. But he should've tried to look at the bigger picture. Hey, money talks doesn't it? That was as good as it was going to get with the way the team was constructed. But he signed on for more and now he wants out. Unless some team gives up a king's ransom for Paul, he ain't going nowhere. Unless some GM pulls out a handgun and pantyhose and completely robs the Hornets. Right now the best option is to just try and get his team back to the playoffs.
Fans,buddyball is here, whether you like it or not.
I can understand wanting to win, but don't try to pout your way out of town. Making a trade demand makes you look like a spoiled child. By trying to go to a team that has a big time player is only saying I want to play with my boys. Especially in the light of the Miami 3 get together. Players must remember this is basketball not the get along gang. Saying he wants to go to New York, Orlando, Dallas, and Portland. All teams that are playoff contenders, with the exception of the Knicks. But the Knicks do have Amare Stoudemire,supposedly one of Paul's "boys". I'm no insider, but Stoudemire said he could deliver Carmelo Anthony to the Knicks if he signed there and Paul said that he, Anthony and Stoudemire would form a "big three" in New York at Anthony's wedding. Here's the thing Chris, management holds the cards. They're not going to trade you for a bag of basketballs and the towel boy. If the Hornets do trade you, they have to get fair value. It's a business. I know the Hornets have never been the ideal franchise, they still have to trot out a good product to keep the fans interest and make money.
Personally, I get tired of athletes making these kind of demands. Paul should've thought about this when he signed his contract extension in 2008. I understand the Hornets appeared on the cusp after taking the defending champion San Antonio Spurs to seven games. But he should've tried to look at the bigger picture. Hey, money talks doesn't it? That was as good as it was going to get with the way the team was constructed. But he signed on for more and now he wants out. Unless some team gives up a king's ransom for Paul, he ain't going nowhere. Unless some GM pulls out a handgun and pantyhose and completely robs the Hornets. Right now the best option is to just try and get his team back to the playoffs.
Fans,buddyball is here, whether you like it or not.
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